Richmond Sport Hosting has processed over 300 grant applications. Often, we are surprised at the creative ways that organizations use their event to generate a local legacy and promote economic activity. Here are some great examples of events that have been proactive in giving back to the local sport and economy, and how you can implement them into your own event.

Leaving a Local Legacy:  

  • The Power of Volunteers: Volunteer training is an often over-looked benefit of hosting events. Building volunteer capacity is one of the most important legacies of competition. This especially is important for highly technical sports that require specialized volunteer skills. Does your event have a professional volunteer training program? Make a point to communicate that forward.
  • Giving Back Locally: A plan to re-invest surplus profit back into local clubs is a critical piece. Events are often fundraisers to reduce fees, subsidize travel, or develop free public ‘Try It’ days for local sport organizations. Having a plan to specifically utilize these funds to give back to local activities leaves a strong legacy.
  • Coach Education: Coach training as part of an event is an efficient way of delivering training to staff since many individuals will be travelling for the event. Have you thought about adding a course to develop skills as part of your event?
  • Legacy Equipment: Event equipment is often purchased for large competitions. Once the event is over, what is the plan for the equipment? Is there an option to provide this to the local club for year-round use?
  • Fundraising and Fund-Saving for Local Sport: Consider cost savings or fundraising for local organizations such as a decreased rate for local sport participation. Or, instead of sourcing the regular labour pool, engage local sport groups to work the event as a fundraiser.
  • Letters of Support: If you are not a local organization then contact them to offer a letter of support. Within the letter, request that the local club outline all the benefits that you are providing in terms of a local legacy.

Driving economic impact is a tangible benefit to local businesses above-and-beyond hotel room stays. The following are methods that can be used to engage businesses with your participants. Richmond Sport Hosting and Tourism Richmond are happy to support a variety of programs.

Driving Economic Impact:

  • Local Team Experiences: Team building and activities for visiting competitors are a great way to add value to the economy and to your athletes. There are many options in Richmond such as escape rooms, the Olympic Experience, Whale Watching, or a group swim during a rest day in the new Minoru Centre for Active Living. The most successful programs have developed a formal program and delivered options to coaches and participants. Even better? Save by working directly through Richmond Sport Hosting with an advance bulk purchase for your event at a discount.
  • Additional Room Nights: Remember that coach training from your legacy plan described above? Outline the additional hotel room nights this will bring in addition to your core event.
  • Pageantry: Banquets, ceremonies, and socials using local talent and facilities are an important aspect to outline. Events using these components support the local economy.
  • Shopping & Attraction Program: Richmond is famous for shopping and restaurants. Richmond Sport Hosting can quickly provide organizers with information that can be tailored to any event. Many events leave this up to participants with little promotion. Local merchants are always excited to provide additional information (and discounts!) to help attract out of town visitors. Adding this level engagement is a great way to strengthen the economic impact of your event.
  • Post-Event Survey: Know your participant and visitor statistics. If you have a strong ratio of out of town attendees, share that information. Individuals visiting a city from out-of-town typically spend more into the local economy. Ask visitors where they stayed, and what activities they took part in. This information is extremely valuable to know the value of your event. There are lots of free online tools to conduct this process.
  • Welcome Packages: Your communication plan is key to making sure all of the above options drive engagement with local business. Develop a welcome package and commit to having all of the above options so that registrants and families can easily access the information.

Overall, when defining your plan to make a positive contribution to a local community, explain not only what your event will do, but how your event will do it. Tangible actions that describe a well thought out program do a much better job at communicating the benefits of your event.


Photo credit: Tourism Richmond

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