Registration is now open for the 2016 Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif Conference. Organized by the Coaching Association of Canada this years events Theme is Innovation and Inclusion. Conference speakers, delegates, and workshop participants, will examine how to engage a collective, how to motivate underrepresented groups, and share best practices in celebrating diversity and fostering a culture of inclusion.
Some of the Speakers include Olympic medalists Christine Sinclair, Karina LeBlanc, Diana Matheson, and Rhian Wilkinson.
Register by September 8, 2016 and save $100 off your registration.
About the Coaches Association of Canada
The Coaching Association of Canada unites stakeholders and partners in its commitment to raising the skills and stature of coaches, and ultimately expanding their reach and influence. Through its programs, the CAC empowers coaches with knowledge and skills, promotes ethics, fosters positive attitudes, builds competence, and increases the credibility and recognition of coaches.
Coaching Association of Canada Mission
To enhance the experiences of all Canadian athletes through quality coaching