1. Name of sport event / meeting

    2. Organization Name as should appear on the cheque / meeting

    3. Full mailing address where RSH should mail the cheque

    4. Contact Name at Organization

    5. Contact Person’s Email

    6. Contact Person’s Phone Number

    7. Dates of Event

    Start Date:

    End Date:

    8. Event Venue Name

    9. Please indicate how many hotel room nights were used at all hotels (please note that RSH staff will be requesting confirmation from the hotels so please use numbers you have received from the hotel staff). If your event utilized more than 3 hotels, please email the response to this question to sporthosting@richmondoval.ca separately.

    Hotel#1 Name: Number of rooms:

    Hotel#2 Name: Number of rooms:

    Hotel#3 Name: Number of rooms:

    10. What was the final number of participants at your event?

    11. How many spectators attended your event?
    Less than 100Between 100-500Between 501-1500Between 1501-5000More than 5000

    12. Please describe any marketing/social media activities that your event utilized? How successful were they?

    13. Criteria #1: Scale of Event
    Please select the one answer that best reflected the participant group for your event. Note that national and international events are required to provide a report indicating names and home cities, provinces or countries of participants as part of this report (please email it to sporthosting@richmondoval.ca).

    The event will have international participants that will qualify for one of the following:

    • at least 30% of the participating athletes must be from outside Canada with a minimum of 4 nations, including Canada, participating

    • at least 40% of the participating athletes must be from outside Canada with a minimum of 3 nations, including Canada, participating

    • at least 50% of the participating athletes must be from outside Canada with a minimum of 2 nations, including Canada, participating

    The event participants will come from across Canada that will qualify for one of the following:

    • at least 30% of the participating athletes must be from outside BC with a minimum of 4 provinces/territories, including BC, participating

    • at least 40% of the participating athletes must be from outside BC with a minimum of 3 provinces/territories, including BC, participating

    • at least 50% of the participating athletes must be from outside BC with a minimum of 2 provinces/territories, including BC, participating

    The event participants will mostly come from across BC (i.e. Provincial Championship, tournament with a small number of participants from another province or country)
    75% or more of the event’s participants reside within the boundaries from (and including) Richmond to Abbotsford, Squamish and Bellingham

    14. Criteria #2: Ability to leave a legacy in Richmond

    Please explain all manners of how your event is has left a legacy to the community of Richmond.

    15. Criteria #3: Potential to generate measurable economic impact and tourism benefits

    Please outline all the ways in which your event positively impacted City of Richmond businesses.

    To the best of your ability, please select the options that describe your event:

    16. Number of competition days*: (select one, type in if necessary)


    17. Was your event ticketed:


    18. Total Volunteers for your event*: (select one, type in if necessary)

    1 -2525 - 7575 - 125125 - 175Other

    19. Number Nations Competing*:

    My event was not an international event.

    20. Number Provinces Competing*:

    My event was not a national event.

    21. Men to Women Competitor Ratio*:

    0% men / 100% women25% men / 75% women50% men / 50% women75% men / 25% women100% men / 0% women

    22. Approximate Number of Team Staff and Officials (managers, trainers, coaches, etc) attending your event*: (select one, type in if necessary)

    1 -1515 - 3030 - 5050 - 75Other

    23. Approximate Number of Technical Staff (judges, officials, etc) attending your event*: (select one, type in if necessary)

    1 -1515 - 3030 - 5050 - 75Other

    24. Broadcast Type*:

    On-line streamingMy event was not broadcasted

    25. Number of countries that viewed the broadcast*: (select one, type in if necessary)

    My event was not broadcasted

    26. Estimated number of media outlets (online, news, radio, TV, etc.) covering the event*: (select one, type in if necessary)

    none1 - 33 - 5Other

    27. Please indicate the funding body and amount of cash contributions to the event budget*: (type in where necessary)

    Sport Canada: $
    Other federal agency: $
    Provincial: $
    Municipal: $
    Tourism Association: $
    Other: $

    28. Please indicate the funding body and amount of Value In-Kind (VIK) contributions to the event budget*: (type in where necessary)

    Provincial: VIK
    Municipal: VIK
    Venue Owner: VIK
    Other: VIK

    39. Please indicate total event expenses:*: (type in)

    Cash: $
    VIK: $

    40. Testimonial for Richmond Sport Hosting

    I give permission to use my name, job title and organization with my testimonialI give permission to Richmond Sport Hosting to use my testimonial for promotional purposes